Castle Marrach
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The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival Empty The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival

Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:58 pm
Greetings, Fellow Marrachians!

I am incredibly excited, perhaps excessively excited, to announce the first of many Yarrnival activities I have planned! This first event shall be a challenge between the Blackhearts and the Dreadwakes to test your pen prowess and the ability to weave a creative story through words!

Each team will be given pirate writing prompts and will be required to write a short tale in a limited amount of time. There will be at least three rounds before a winner is determined. Each member of the winning team will receive a small prize and bragging rights for being the most innovative team!

This event will commence this coming Moon's day at the 7th Late Bells in the Outer Bailey Refectory. There will be a variety of teas and pastries available for everyone to enjoy. Best wishes to you all, and may the best team win!

The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival Dcdgyt4
Aide to the Royal Library
Avid Librocubicularist

Posts : 33
Join date : 2021-04-05
Age : 32
Location : Royal Library

The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival Empty Re: The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival

Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:50 am
~unobtrusively raised to the fore~

The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival Dcdgyt4
Aide to the Royal Library
Avid Librocubicularist

Posts : 33
Join date : 2021-04-05
Age : 32
Location : Royal Library

The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival Empty Re: The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival

Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:15 am
PROMPT: She didn't know the rules of the water and had a disdain for pirates, yet when push came to shove, she could fight her way out of any situation. She was on a mission to find a crew that would help her achieve her goal of hurting the man that hurt her father, but first, she had to win the respect of this rambunctious group of pirates.

Dreadwakes: Ammanas, Rikka, Taite, Bertalis, Aleysia, and Cordon

Young Jillian grew up the daughter of a widowed craftswoman in a seaside town. As a child, her mother would regale her with tales of adventure on the high seas, of swordfights and daring escapes, and of endless loot.

However, while the stories always delighted Jillian, as she grew older she realized her mother would often cry afterwards, when she thought Jillian had gone to sleep. One day, as she neared adulthood, she asked her mother why the stories made her sad. And that is when she learned that her father had been lost to the Pirate Lord who ruled over all the elevens seas.

Not content to know that her father was dispatched by some cowardly pirate, one night she stole away from her home with a pack of traveling gear and a simple knife. She would track down the man who took her father from her and make him pay.

Having no coin, though, she had to stow away on a ship. There, she was soon caught and brought before the crew, who revealed themselves to be pirates, though none of them were the one she sought. She boldly told them she sought the Pirate Lord, and demanded they take her to him. And that she would answer any challenge to make them do so.

Seeing a young girl before them, they challenged her to a grog drinking contest. Yet pirate after pirate fell to drunkenness as she stood undaunted by the kegs of booze. Finally, the ship's captain alone remained half-sober, and drunkenly asked her how any little girl could still stand.

Then she revealed that her mother was Quilla, the famed dwarven smith, and that she was half-dwarf. Then she told the Captain why she sought the Lord.

At that, the Captain stammered out that her father was the very Pirate Lord she sought. At that, she declared 'Then the seas shall be mine by right, and you shall be my first crew! Call me Jillian Dreadwake!'


Blackhearts: Vessa, Kaira, Sigrun, and Heulyn

Fortuna's ship sluiced through the water exactly as she'd aimed. It was a tiny thing, just a bit of sail and a poorly patched bit of deck that only sort of stayed out of the water. She'd named it Finian's Bane as she intended to cram the old pirate's words down his throat when she caught up with them.

Finian Hook had been her father's first mate until that fateful night three moons ago. They had sailed together nearly twenty years and, despite Fortuna's despair any time the man came to dinner, she always thought they could count on him. But then that dreaded woman, Captain Katarina came knocking on the door, promising good tidings.

Fortuna had known Katarina was not what she seemed at first glance. Too perfect, too smiling, too sweet, was Katarina, and so Fortuna had tried to keep close watch on the woman. That was how she came to know the woman was not human at all, but a selkie in human skin - one of the seafolk who normally went about in the form of a seal.

Katarina wanted nothing other than Fortuna's father's skill at seafaring. And she took it without a breath or a thought as to the man's happiness.

That was why Fortuna came to be sailing her little raft. Finian had marooned her when she demanded to go after Captain Katarina. And it was only by the skills her father taught her, that Fortuna was able to lead her boat to the side of the Waverunner - her father's ship.

With a great clamor, she knocked hulls with the larger ship and then gripped the side, climbing its hull until she collapsed rather gracelessly onto the deck.

The pirates stared. No doubt they thought they had seen the last of Fortuna on that terrible little island six leagues away. But there she stood, a testament to her father's seafaring prowess. And all at once, they rose up in cheers.

Finian Hook stared and then began to laugh. The speech Fortuna had prepared for when she caught up with them died in her throat. It would seem that she had already proven everything they needed in that desperate sail across the sea.

The Test of the Mighty Pen | Yarrnival Dcdgyt4
Aide to the Royal Library
Avid Librocubicularist

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