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Age : 34

Second Annual Dragon Festival Tournament Empty Second Annual Dragon Festival Tournament

Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:40 pm
Twenty-Seventh Day,  Seventh Moon,
Twenty-Fifth Year of Recent Awakenings

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as Court Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of Second Annual Dragon Festival Tournament.

The second annual Dragon Festival Tournament began on the seventh bell of the twenty-seventh day of the seventh moon.  The benches were filled with spectators but even more combatants stood around the sandy arena waiting to compete.  Duke Lucus greets those gathered with a poignant statement, "In Rumiss, conflict is a way of life. The battle is the moment in which our worth, our will, is pitted against each other. Where fate is decided, and legacies are carved. When a warrior meets another on the field, the rest of the world falls silent, melts away into obscurity, and holds its breath in silence, in reverence for the moment; all that matters is those two combatants."

The faces of those present took on thoughtful appearances, each absorbing the words.  Duke Lucus then called forth for anyone who wished to volunteer but had not written in.  Sers Venture and Karl Taeqin stepped forward to join the ranks of Huskarls Cordon and Trenna, Karl Sigrun, seras Milani and Kallistya, Master Nexian, and sers Bauh and Kobe.  

The first round of battles went quite quickly.  They started with a match of revenge.  Master Nexian against Huskarl Cordon.  Both started quite strong, with Master Nexian employing his large saber and Corodn with his large axe.  Eventually, Nexian fell to the powerful blows of Cordon, damaging two pieces of armor and taking a small slash to his left shoulder.  Next to fall was Taeqin who succumbed to ser Bauh's roaring great sword.  The battle of the rapiers between sera Milani and Huskarl Trenna eventually went to the Huskarl, with the peachick taking a heavier wound to the knee.  Karl Sigrun fell to a heavy wound in her left side, leaving ser Venture to move on to the next round and sera Kallistya took a small slash to one of her shoulders against ser Kobe's great sword.  

The second round was no less fierce than the first.  Sers Venture and Kobe took the first battle of this round, Kobe, once more inching out the win.  Trenna and Cordon were likely the most tense match of the second round, husband against wife.  Both fought fiercely, Trenna with her schiavona and shield against the Huskarl Cordon's giant axe.  Trenna came away with a small slice against her shoulder. She, like all the others, got quickly tended to by Nurse Sinistro and Karl Renna and was quick to reconcile with her husband.  Bauh passed onto the final round by being the lone fighter.  

Bauh was thus the first match in the final round, and he was pitted against ser Kobe.  Kobe once more inched out the victory and caught the edge of ser Bauh's shoulder.  This left ser Kobe and Huskarl Cordon as the final match of the night.  The Huskarl went with both speed and strength, taking on a bearish and berserker-like stance.  While it briefly seemed like it might be close Huskarl Cordon took a decisive victory with a roar, also catching the ser on the shoulder.  

Duke Lucus called forth the Huskarl and congratulated him on his victory.  Promising Cordon that his name would be recorded in the annals as the second Champion of the Colosseum and presenting him with a golden dragon emblem a small piece of Theian treasure.  The Duke then turned to the crowd, "To all of our wounded warriors this evening, we salute your courage, strength, and tenacity this evening, having pursued your passion as warriors in the face of considerable odds and danger, your story this eve shall be one worthy of the sagas.  Warriors and spectators alike, the Conclave thanks your attendance this evening. If it pleases you, join us in the mead hall for refreshment and revelry."

Those who attended this event included Duke Lucus, Huskarls Cordon and Trenna, Karls Masashi, Renna, Sigrun and Taeqin, Master Nexian, Mistress Kathris, sers Ilyas, Kobe, Sinistro, Bauh, and Venture, and sers Diana, Oydela and Kallistya and this Chronicler.


 This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.

Mistress Kaira
Court Chronicler

Second Annual Dragon Festival Tournament Kaira-signature
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