Castle Marrach
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Dragon Tournament: Final Rounds Empty Dragon Tournament: Final Rounds

Sun Oct 15, 2023 12:25 pm
Fifteenth Day,  Tenth Moon,
Twenty-Fourth Year of Recent Awakenings

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as Court Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of Dragon Tournament: Final Rounds.

A brief intermission broke up the fighting of the night, giving the fighters from the first fight time to rest and restore their breath. Those who remained to fight included Karl Adayne, Masters Aratan and Nexian, seras Mizuki, and Kallistya. The skald Baenor took charge once more, stepping forward to announce the next battles would be starting soon.

During this interim, it was decided that the sands must be decorated with Princess Maeveen, Mistresses Filusae, and Taite and this Chronicler throwing down bomb after bomb of glitter. This was quickly rectified however by Master Ammanas who used his magic to blow a cleansing wind through the coliseum. The fighting was quick to resume though as Baenor stepped forward, "To begin the second round we will see the clash between Mizuki and Kallistya."

Sera Mizuki was quick and eager to strike but Kallistya had both age and training on her side. Kallistya parried blow after blow from the speedy Mizuki, focusing on strength and defense. At one point Mizuki was able to dart in breaking some of sera Kallistya’s armor but not drawing any blood. After some time Mizuki was worn down and Kallistya’s stamina proved beneficial as she rushed forward and was able to knick sera Mizuki’s shoulder and draw blood.

Beanor stepped forward once more, his voice raising over the cheers of the crowd, "The next competitors shall be taking to the sands. We have the sparkle-haired Aratan facing the fearless and adept Huntress Adayne."

Familiar banter was traded between Master Aratan and Adayne as they stepped forward, teasing about both sparkles and abilities. Master Aratan once more took to his rapier and dagger while Karl Adayne took again to her use of double blades. While this match was one of the quicker ones of the evening it was no less harsh. Master Aratan weaved and danced from the blades of Adayne’s sabres but eventually, he was caught, securing a deep wound to his hip as Baenor declared blood was shed and the sands sated. Luitenant Darvius promised those watching it was not as harsh as it looked and would prove to be a nice scar for the martial Mastr Aratan, further assuring this chronicler that boys loved scars.

Once more the skald Baenor stepped forward to announce the final match of the second round, "Our final bout of the second round shall be between the Serjeant Nexian and the Duelist Venture."

The duelist Venture once more started with a rapier and shield, but as he assessed the stance of Master Nexian he once more shed the shield. This permitted the ser some speed which he attempted to use to unbalance Master Nexian but Master Nexian was just as quick, evading any hit from Venture’s rapier. Blows went back and forth until both began to lag. Master Nexian pushed himself once more, rushing forward with heavy blows that decimated all of the armor Venture was wearing but drew no blood. Venture tried to counter but the blows had slowed his momentum and allowed Nexian to rush forward once more, catching Venture’s ankle in a glancing blow.

Skald Baenor turned to the remaining three combatants, sera Kallistya, Karl Adayne, and Master Nexian if they wished to continue for the evening or needed time to rest and recover. All replied affirmatively and the matches continued once more. This first match of these final three was to be between Karl Adayne and sera Kallistya, "To begin the final moments of the Tournament of the Dragon, our gladiators will be the Huntress Adayne and the armored Kallistya."

Banter flowed from the stands and down into the sands as people called up and down to each other. This chronicler, wisely, decided to cheer for Karl Adayne after a warning call from her that she could unmarry this chronicler and Master Nexian. This match was again quicker, while sera Kallistya fought with bravery and dedication she did not have the age or skill that Adayne did. The sera received a firm cut to her hip.

Baenor went to tend to the seras wound but before he did so he roused the crowd again with his next announcement, "We are down to our final two entrants. The last two warriors standing. The huntress and the serjeant! Who will come out on top?"

Master Nexian and Karl Adayne both stepped forward, as Adayne started with her good-humored teasing about red vs purple. Master Nexian replied he was always a little purple which prompted them both to tease this hronicler. Despite sera Flora’s reassurance, this continued for some time to the amusement of this chronicler. Eventually, both settled and began the round.

This proved to be the longest match of the evening, both leaning into speed and trying to find openings in the other actions. Eventually, Master Nexian began to build an increasing momentum. It looked briefly like he might topple the Huntress but she struck out with her dagger, causing the Master to stumble and his momentum to lost. The match continued for quite a while but Nexian was unable to get his momentum back. Though they both looked quite winded and close. It was Karl Adayne who struck the final blow, her sword catching Nexian’s left side.

The match finished with grace and honor, both combatants bowing to each other and expressing how much they had enjoyed the fight and how good the other had done. As all the healers from the Duchy were currently tending to patients it was Huskarl Trenna stepped forward to conclude the event as the crowd erupted into cheers and glitter, "The Dragon Tournament's official Champion stands as Adayne, who will likely not be unmarrying anyone but who has proven that grace comes with both practice -and- experience."

Those present for this event included Princess Maeveen, Duke Lucus, Huskarls Cordon, Trenna and Tamiko, Karls Jacquette, Baenor, Adayne and Renna, Luitenant Darvius, Masters Ammanas, Nexian and Aratan, Mistresses Auriela, Taite and Filusae, seras Arlenia, Flora, Kallistya, Mizuki and Khalea and sers Izrith, Kobe, Venture and Westley and this chronicler


 This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.

Mistress Kaira
Court Chronicler

Dragon Tournament: Final Rounds Kaira-signature
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