Castle Marrach
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Age : 34

Harvest Festival's Opening Feast Empty Harvest Festival's Opening Feast

Sun Aug 20, 2023 9:53 am
Twentieth Day,  Eigth Moon,
Twenty-Fourth Year of Recent Awakenings

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as Court Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of Harvest Festival's Opening Feast.

The banquet table in the Hunting Grounds was set to near bursting by the seventh bell. Pitchers of cider and pots of pumpkin cocoa were only surpassed by the number of tarts and soups. Gleaming golden lanterns hung in the sky and a cornucopia overflowing with pumpkins sat in the center of the table. Denizens gathered around the display as His Highness, Prince Bertram arrived for the start of this Harvest Feast.

His Highness greeted everyone with good cheer, bidding them to get comfortable as he intended to talk a bit before releasing them for the food. He explained that the Harvest Festival was an idea close to His heart, one that continued to visit him during His work with the Chambers. He spread his hands encompassingly, "That is because, to me, the work of Chambers in my mind aligns with what the time of a Harvest Festival means to me. It is about community, and making sure the gifts we are enjoyed to their best."

He continued with his words, "This Festival will be a representation of that ideal. Of us all coming together, to enjoy the bounty of the land. To feast, like with tonight. Over the following weeks, and with the events you all are coming together to hold, to join together in the common appreciation we all hold for the joys of life. Be it receiving the gifts of the land and its resources, joining together in common cause, or enjoyment, or all of the above."

He relayed how important the hunting grounds are specifically, which were created by Her Most Serene Majesty while His Highness was trapped in a coma to honor Him and in dedication to His improving health. He asked what that might mean to us all in practice. Ser Kobe responded that it might be collecting rewards while Sir Varick suggested a bit of hunting but likely much more joy and celebration as it had provided in the past. His Highness grinned and said He hoped much the same as Sir Varick.

His Highness gestured to Mistress Filusae, His sectary, and this Chronicler, sharing that we would be the 'Harvest Maidens' during this festival. He explained that they would go around to assist with events, answer your questions, and be a source for Him to contribute through.

He continued, motioning to the two baskets filled with lute-shaped baskets, "Now, each of them will have a, let us call it a basket of office, that will hold special small gifts. Anyone who attends one of the festival events will receive one of those. If neither of the Mistress can attend an event to give them out, the event holder can send a list to one of them and we will be sure those who attended received their gifts. They will also be where you can get your festival pouches. Within the next bell, you will be able to find Linden in the center camp, north of the entry portals."

Liden is the gnome who is in charge of handing out the fun 'tasks' for this event that include fishing and checking the various snares littered around the grounds. His Highness warned however that poachers might be attached to the snares. He cautioned the group that the vilest of creatures had been spotted lingering near the traps.....Brownies! Tiny and unkind fae prone to trying to stab any going after their 'treasure'. Though there was a brief interlude during this as many were concerned they would need to start stabbing desserts.

His Highness flashed a grin once more sharing his last final two tidbits. A pumpkin patch has been placed near the ice skating rink, where one might find the Yule Wox during that event. It has all sorts of surprises for those who are patient with their searching. He also shared that those acorns that people were earning from Linden can be used in an upcoming that will be placed out within the next few days. He gestured to the near-overflowing food before Him, "Now, I have said my piece, and you may now commence the feasting."

The event continued for over two bells, with His Hignhess chatting among the denizens, particularly Sera Flora, Dame Eeva, and Sir Varick. Those in the crowd enjoyed some good merriment with Mistress Auriela and Serjeant Tristan planning on bridges with Ser Melcior and Mistress Brighde and Sir Varick contemplated composing a piece of music together for Yule. Sera Elaynie, one of the newest denizens to the castle introduced herself to those she had not yet gotten the chance to meet. Master Ammanas doted on Mistress Rosalind with cakes and treats. Sers Venture and Kobe both contemplated 'tormenting' the group with puns about His Highness's lute-shaped loot boxes.

Many small and cute gifts were found in those boxes, including a pot of stain from Sir Varick and an adorable scarf from Sir Alrik. Much glee was found by the denizens at the little blast of music each gave when opened.

Dame Eeva and Sir Sanguine escorted His Highness while Captain Vessa, Luitenant Kathris, and Serjeant Nexian guarded the entrance checking the denizens for pouches and weapons. Once His Highness has wished everyone a good evening and left them to the feasting the guards came in to join the crowd. Dame Eeva and Sir Alrik were the first to wander off to find the pumpkin patch. This was followed shortly after by each denizen, eager to explore the new adventures within the hunting grounds.

Those who attended this event include His Highness, Lord Marshal Eeva, Sirs Sanguine, Alrick and Varick, Captain Vessa, Luitenant Kathris, Serjeants Nexian and Tristan, Master Ammanas, Mistress Auriela, Brighde, Filusae, Rosalind and Taite, sers Kobe, Melcior and Venture, seras Elaynie, Flora, Heulyn, Kallistya and Khalea and this Chronicler.


 This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.

Mistress Kaira
Court Chronicler

Harvest Festival's Opening Feast Kaira-signature

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