Castle Marrach
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His Highness and the Yule Guardian Empty His Highness and the Yule Guardian

Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:38 am
Eighth Day, Twelfth Moon,
Twenty-Third Year of Recent Awakenings

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as a Junior Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of His Highness and the Yule Guardian.

Nearing the 8th late bell on the 8th day of the 12th moon, denizens began gathering at the site of the Yule Guardian in anticipation of a fight. Many of the castles swordsmen have enjoyed showcasing their skills and might against the Guardian, but on this night an especially talented swordsman was meant to fight: Prince Bertram Himself.

Denizens did not have to wait long before His Highness made his way onto the grounds. His Highness expressed pleasure in seeing so many enjoying the grounds, stating that the "Grounds are special to me personally as well, so I am glad when the occasion rises where I can share them with you all."

The effort was made to create the team that would go up against the Guardian alongside the Prince. There were many volunteers present, but the team decided on included His Highness Prince Bertram, Serjeant Nexian, Master Ilatai, ser Trevayne, Constable Khalea, and this chronicler. Once decided, the participants readied themselves for the fight.

His Highness opened the battle with an impressive series of strikes that had onlookers cooing in appreciation. His skill with the blade was put on fine display, humbling those swordsmen fighting beside him and those watching in equal measure. Master Ilatai called out movements, guiding the participants when it was time to dodge and cover, proving he was a practiced and capable hand at this fight.

Constable Khalea had the spectators gasping when an icy beam crashed into her, but when the tricky lupine attempted that move again, the Constable was ready and leapt out of the way. Ser Mark Trevayne made an imposing show with his rapier as well, striking hard and fast at the Guardian while taking the time to debonairly sweep his hat in a bow to the spectators. But Serjeant Nexian was not to be outdone! The Serjeant displayed his skill with a longsword to great effect on the battlefield, reminding those present that there is more than one way to engage the fight.

The Guardian let out its mighty howl, spraying ice and frost out in a shockwave that dazed the Serjeant, who had chosen to stand firm rather than take cover, and at once the contestants were up and fighting again. His Highness struck quick and sure, His sword landing true and carving the way for ser Mark Trevayne to land the final blow. With a burst of frost, the lupine was defeated and the crowd cheered.

His Highness expressed that He had a good time and express to all the participants that they had fought well, at which point Mistress Kaira treated the whole group to one of the infamous glitter bombs being given by the tree. She threw it high into the air and it exploded, showering everyone with golden glitter.

After everyone received their gifts from the Yule tree, His Highness had some parting words to relay. All in attendance paused their revelry to pay heed to His Highness: "I just wished to state again how it warms my heart to see you all out here, working together against challenges such as the guardian here, and sharing in the comfort, joys, and gifts that we have striven to fill these Grounds with. It is my sincere hope that you all continue to do so, and even if I should not encounter any of you again out here during this holiday, know that I hope and you continue to enjoy it. Happy Yule."

With a final toast to all present, His Highness took His leave and the forest dissolved into private parties and discussions. Those in attendance were Serjeant Nexian, Master Ilatai, ser Trevayne, Constable Khalea, Mistress Kaira, Sir Darvius, Mistress Isaria, sera Flora, Lieutenant Kathris, Watchman Melcior, Dame Josie, and this Chronicler.

This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.
Larysa Yoshimo
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