Castle Marrach
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A Quest for Dream Ether and a Meeting with The Dream Guardian Empty A Quest for Dream Ether and a Meeting with The Dream Guardian

Thu Jun 27, 2024 11:41 am

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as Senior
Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of A Quest for Dream Ether and a Meeting with The Dream Guardian.

Efforts between various groups of the keep to combat the Wraiths that had been plaguing the castle most recently culminated in a trip to the Dream Realm, to retrieve an essence known as Dream Ether. A number of people, representing various groups about the castle, gathered themselves into the Faith Cave on Sun’s evening. After some time to focus their thoughts on the task at hand, His Grace, Duke Lucus began the ritual to send the travelers onto their Dream Quest. His Grace, Yeoman Kobe and sera Ludie stayed behind to keep an eye on the sleeping travelers.

Although the destination had been chosen prior, the sorcerer amphitheater in the Ruined Future, the path there was a little less clear. Arriving on a platform that had pathways leading to arches, it took some time deciding which way to go. The first path chosen, north, led to what was the Royal Library in the Inner Bailey, or at least, a version of it. The room itself was dilapidated and thick with the scent of ash, causing the denizens to cough. A sense of dread hung about the place. As it is in some places of the dream, it was harder to get out than it was to get in. After entering a door that led solely to a balcony, and traveling through a maze of endless stacks of books, the travelers managed to return to the platform where they had first arrived.

Another path was chosen then, this time to the east, and it seemed this archway led to the area the group was meant to go. This place was familiar and yet different; a version of the Outer Bailey that was marred by a battle fought long ago. Rubble and those who had been long since dead were strewn about each room traveled in, juxtaposed with toys and decorations as this was home of Her Highness, Princess Maeveen.

The going was not straightforward, either, as large rubble blocked the hallways. Fortunately, there were some passages between the walls, and it did not take the travelers long to arrive at their destination. On the balcony where, in our version of the castle, the bone tome stands, instead was a pink and orange tear that crackled with energy. Mistress Blodwen seemed surprised that it was found so quickly; it seemed to be both not in the place originally chosen and entirely new. Setting these thoughts aside, Mistresses Blodwen and Filusae, and ser Radulescu, got to work pulling the Dream Ether from the tear. Ser Melle had a small vial to put the essence in, and Huskarl Trenna crafted a bowl of sorts to hold any extra. In this area was also an archway.

The process itself seemed arduous, and after a time it seemed no more of the Ether was forthcoming. All told, three doses of it had been extracted. It was at this time that focused turned to the aforementioned archway. During the journey, it had been mentioned that the group had been scryed, and it was guessed that Nef, the Dream Guardian was responsible for this. Intending a visit to the Guardian, members of those gathered attempted to decipher the passphrase that would open the archway. It took some tries and some remembering from ser Melle’s last visit to this place, a number of years prior but, in the end, the archway was opened and entered.

They arrived in a dark amphitheater, containing various broken objects, a desk and a woman: The Dream Guardian herself.

Nef asked for the reason of the visit, and when told about the scrying, she replied “If it were me, you would not have felt it.” In spite of this, there were questions to be asked and the Guardian was willing to answer about the Castle’s situation with the Wraiths. The details of this conversation will be kept vague, but it is suffice to say that some things were cleared, and Nef agreed to look into some of the denizens’ concerns. After this, the group pinched themselves, waking from their long voyage into the Dream. Another, shorter trip was planned to harvest the rest of the Dream Ether.

Those who aided in this quest included Duke Lucus, Mistresses Blodwen and Filusae, Lieutenant Kathris, Yeoman Kobe, Huskarl Trenna, Karl Renna,  Armswoman Kallistya, sers Melle and Radulescu, sera Ludie and this chronicler.


This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.
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