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Fisticuff Tournament Empty Fisticuff Tournament

Fri Apr 02, 2021 11:31 pm

[Pinned by a swift courier]

Fisticuff Tournament Vector10
Come place your bets
for the first
Fisticuff Tournament

Where: Outer Bailey Practice Hall
When: Saturn's Day the 17th Day of the 4th Moon, 22nd YRA @ Noon (12 Late Bells) till completion.
What: There will be three ranks with an entry fee: Beginner (10 coins), Intermediate (20 coins), and Advanced (30 coins). The tournament will be round-robin in style. If you are interested in joining, send me a missive with your entry fee. The winner of each rank will take the pot.
Who: All who wish to participate.
Why: For fun and competition!


The suggestion of Rank to join is based on your fatigue points.

Beginner Rank: < 8k fatigue points
Intermediate Rank: > 8k and < 16k fatigue points
Advanced Rank: > 16k fatigue points]

Fisticuff Tournament Signat11

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Fisticuff Tournament Empty Re: Fisticuff Tournament

Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:21 pm
Constable Saewulf, I have read your posting with much interest! Those who know me well will already be aware that fighting with fists has long been an interest of mine!

If it please you to answer, what are the rules of the tournament? Rules are very important!

Fisticuff Tournament Gt5W89J

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Fisticuff Tournament Empty Re: Fisticuff Tournament

Sat Apr 03, 2021 10:16 pm
I suppose there are no standard rules, so I shall outline them.
This is meant to be friendly competition and to ensure as many people as possible can have fun I shall implement the following rules:

For each round:

  1. You cannot hit below the belt, above the shoulders, hold, trip, kick, headbutt, wrestle, bite, spit on, or push your opponent.
  2. You cannot hit with your head, shoulder, forearm, or elbow.
  3. You cannot hit with an open palm, the wrist, the backhand, or the side of the hand.
  4. You cannot punch your opponent's back, or the back of his head or neck, or on the kidneys.
  5. You cannot throw a punch while holding on to another person or object to gain leverage.
  6. You can't hold your opponent and hit them at the same time, or duck so low that your head is below your opponent's beltline.
  7. If you knock down or land a strike well enough that your opponent relents, you cannot continue to strike at them.
  8. If any of the above rules are broken, it will result in a foul, and you will forfeit that match.
  9. If the foul results in an injury*, the fight is to end immediately, the fighter who committed the foul is disqualified from the tournament entirely.
  10. [* bruises do not count as an injury.]

For the tournament:

  1. Each fighter will have a chance to fight each other fighter in their rank.
  2. Each win will result in them being award a point
  3. Whoever has the most points in their rank at the end will win their ranks pot.
  4. If there is a tie, the fighters can choose to split the pot; if both can not agree to such, there will be one more round between them to determine who takes the pot in full.

Fisticuff Tournament Signat11
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Location : Western Landing

Fisticuff Tournament Empty Re: Fisticuff Tournament

Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:37 pm
[Shuffled to the top.]
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Fisticuff Tournament Empty Re: Fisticuff Tournament

Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:54 am
*pinned on top again*

Fisticuff Tournament Marcin10
~Awakener, Clothier, Battler~

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Fisticuff Tournament Empty Re: Fisticuff Tournament

Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:09 am
This is set to start at the top of the next bell.

Current pots sit at:
Beginner - 10 coins
Intermediate - 0 coins
Advanced - 60 coins

I will be taking payment for entry till the last tick before the twelfth bell.

See you all there, and may the best contest win their rank!

Fisticuff Tournament Signat11
Posts : 17
Join date : 2021-03-05
Location : Western Landing

Fisticuff Tournament Empty Re: Fisticuff Tournament

Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:59 am
The current contestants and the organizer has decided to give those interested an additional ten ticks past the bell to sign up for the event.

Fisticuff Tournament Signat11
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