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Lord Dolph
Lord Dolph
Posts : 6
Join date : 2020-10-01
Location : Castle Marrach

Open positions, Office of the Royal Healers Empty Open positions, Office of the Royal Healers

Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:19 pm
Good day,

I am currently looking for interested individuals for positions within the Office of the Royal Healers.  Individuals looking to learn more about position and what it entails are encourage to send a missive to myself, directly.  Please include information about yourself, as well as your goals within the office, and whether or not you prefer to be a part time medic, or a full career healer in time.

I encourage anyone who is even curious about the position to apply.  In times of war, the more individuals we have trained in basic first aide means a stronger group of hale denizens ready to defend Her Majesty's Keep against threats that might harm our way of life.  If you find the position is something you could make a career of, then that can be explored in time.

All new healers will start at the level of Orderly, to allow them the time to observe the rostered healers and assist them if needed.  Those wishing to continue in their lessons will receive training as an Aide, with promotion opportunities available as you progress.  

For the Crown and Keep,
Royal Chief of Medicine,

Open positions, Office of the Royal Healers LHRijTs
Royal Chief of Medicine
Peer of Her Majesty's Court
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