Castle Marrach
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Royal Court: 24YRA 5th Moon Empty Royal Court: 24YRA 5th Moon

Mon May 22, 2023 12:44 pm
Twenty-Second Day,  Fifth Moon,
Twenty-Fourth Year of Recent Awakenings

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as Court Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of Royal Court: 24YRA 5th Moon.

Court began shortly after the ringing of the seventh bell.  Her Majesty was announced by the Royal Speaker Sir Varick and pursuivant herald ser Kobe.  Accompanied by His Highness, Prince Bertram, and His Excellency Lord Boreas.  

As Sir Varick called to order the Royal Court all rouse and began to settle in.  Queen Vivienne turned and addressed the room, informing them that it was now an open court and would address the previous petitions before opening the floor for any further.  She wished to address something before turning to the petitions though.  

Her Majesty explained about the treaty that His Highness worked on when he was acting as regent.  She spoke of Her Love for us and the divide between the Castle proper and the Under Bailey even through that tentative peace.  She touched on the enemies that we had combated together and that with forces pushing on us that we were stronger together than apart.  

Her Majesty explained that an amended treat would be coming that would allow Her common subjects to freely visit select areas of the conclave and allow the conclave to visit and contribute to the lively hood of the Outer as well.  She also explained that more information would be available soon.  She expanded upon the goal of what She hoped this treaty would do,  "The particular outcomes of these talks shall be made publicly accessible in full for the Court's perusal in short order and We shall not speak at length of the details and specifics during these proceedings, but know the goal of this revised treaty is to bring Our subjects from beneath the castle back to the bosom of the Crown and to stir renewed vitality, vigor and hope within Our subjects, not only of those who dwell beneath the surface but of those who reside here in the castle as well. All of the conditions of this new treaty work towards this goal."

With this, She turned Her attention to His Highness and asked him as Lord Chamberlain to share the results of the current petitions before the court.  His Highness straightened and began to explain what is expected of an Honored Guest of the court.  He touched briefly on the points within the petition for ser Nazrin then bid him step forward and accept his ceremonial scabbard who did so with a beaming and nervous countenance.  The ser expressed his thanks and gave a show of deference.  Following this, however, His Highness turned to the more somber petition of ser Harabec.  

Ser Harabec had been petitioned for a rare occurrence, a demotion from Honored Guest back to Established Commoner.  His Highness made mention of the accusations against ser Harabec and explained that some might understand how one might question if he met 'An example with other commoners should strive to emulate.'

His Highness further explained that the Court had generally agreed with the choice but that this was not something to take lightly.  He also explained that it was not the Crown's Will to render judgment without allowing the accused to stand for themselves, explain his actions, and defend his honor and dignity.  

His Highness relayed to those present, "It is the Crown's Will therefore, that ser Harabec presents himself to Her Royal Majesty forthwith to explain his actions leading up to this petition and present his case for why he should not be stripped of rank. He will be granted two weeks from this day to do this, or a decision will be rendered absent his defense."

With this, His Highness concluded His part of the Court.  Her Majesty then opened the floor to anyone else who might have petitions, encouraging people to mingle and socialize.  While no further petitions were put forward, those of the court were treated to the skill of the Royal Cook, Master Geoffry while they mingled.

After some time Her Majesty turned to Sir Vairck and bid him close the court.  She gave Her thanks to those present for attending and prayed they would enjoy the rest of the eve.  Sir Varick sounded his ceremonial staff once more and directed everyone to kneel while ser Kobe played his trumpet as Her Majesty and the Royal Entourage departed the Throne Room.  

 This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.

Mistress Kaira
Court Chronicler
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