Castle Marrach
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Age : 34

Royal Court:  11th moon of the 24th year  Empty Royal Court: 11th moon of the 24th year

Sun Nov 26, 2023 1:46 pm
Twenty-sixth Day,  Eleventh Moon,
Twenty-Fourth Year of Recent Awakenings

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as Court Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of Royal Court:  11th moon of the 24th year.

Royal Court began with a bang, as Royal Speaker Sir Varick tapped his ceremonial staff against the ground, bidding all kneel for Her Royal Majesty Queen Vivienne.  Her Majesty, accompanied by Prince Bertram and Lord Boreas, entered the throne room and settled onto the dias.  With that, the Royal Speaker then called the Royal Court of the Eleventh moon of the Twenty-Fourth year to order and yielded the floor to Her Majesty.


Her Majesty started with one of the brightest announcements of court, the opening of Yule.  She explained that Yule would open on the first day of the twelfth moon, Frey's day the first at Four Late Bells.  She further explained, "This year shall see a few new additions to the Yuletide Hunting Grounds. Sera Elsa's gingerbread shop has been restocked with goods, some familiar to past Yuletide participants and some new. This year shall see the inclusion of a special Yuletide tree, drawn from the Dreams and wishes of all of Our subjects. Come the 25th day of Yuletide, all of you shall be permitted to take a single gift from the Yuletide tree, as Our treat to Our subjects who make Yule a festive and anticipated time of year."

This announcement was met with much excitement and cheer as murmurs went through the room.  Once the excitement began to hush, the floor was turned over to His Excellency, Lord Boreas and the announcements for the Chancery.  


He apologized to Her Majesty and relayed that he must speak of less pleasant matters.  He spoke of the bandits and their attack on the realm and its denizens.  He praised the efforts of the Watch, Inquisition, and Army.  He specifically noted Armsman Nazrin and Watchwomen Kallistya who had just this morning helped apprehend Ser Laurent.  His tone turned somber however as he shared that after speaking with Doctor Getheaht it was determined that Sir Petris could not be returned to us, at least not anytime soon.  

This announcement was met with watery eyes and dampening spirits as the seriousness of the issue was absorbed.  He addressed the room more formally, "The specifics and complexities of this issue are a matter of medicine and magic for those who dwell so expertly on such affairs, of which I am not. But suffice it to say, Sir Petris will not be returning to us in the immediate future. And yet we hold hope that he shall someday do so, to stand brilliantly among our chivalry once more. Sir Petris has been a man of unimpeachable integrity and unwavering loyalty for some centuries and deserves a fate far better than the one a pitiable group of vagabonds have sought to provide him. We shall leave a candle burning for him."

His voice turned cold as he pressed further with his speech, "The criminals responsible for this, those now rightfully rotting within the cold and dark confines of the gaol, as well as those still at large, have brought strife and death to the Realm. They have set arson to this castle. They have sought the permanent death of one of our gallant knights. For these things, the Crown has decided that only a sentence of equal measure, and equally indefinite will satisfy Justice. And so the determination has been made, that those criminals a part of this group, those who took part in their deeds shall not be released anew into the populace upon conviction of their crimes... but instead shall be condemned to the cold and dark forever more."

He thanked the Court for its time and freed the room back to the Royal Speaker who promptly turned it over to the announcements of the Treasury and Lady Calamity.


 She first started by explaining that the Royal Treasury would be working on turning over the gnome wares and supporting the larger events outside of Ardor and Yule. She explained that any ideas might be directed to Master Westley as Keeper of the Vault.  She then followed by explaining she would also be listing those most active for the year, "T'is with our deepest gratitude we call your names forth, as you have dedicated yourselves to the social livelihood of the Realm, either through attending events in support of others, hosting get-togethers and lessons on your own, or a combination of the two. Your tireless efforts at helping to build a strong community are valued and appreciated."

Those most active within the Inner:
Mistress Kaira
Master Tristan
Mistress Auriela

Those most active within the Outer:
Ser Venture
Ser Kobe
Sera Khalea

Top Active Guilds:

Top Active Household:
Lady Galatea


Following these announcements, Sir Varick alerted us that we would now hear from the Royal Army.  All attention turned to Dame Eeva who was quite succinct with her words, "We have no announcements at this time. All is well in the Army, but we do advise any individuals who opt to travel alone please ensure you have a duckcall until the last of the bandits are apprehended at least."


The court then turned to His Highness to listen to announcements from Chambers, who only had one matter to discuss for the eve - new courtiers.  He explained that the Chambers had reflected on feedback given from the commentary and the issue with most trial courtiers was 'We do not know them.' He explained briefly the upcoming changes, "Therefore, Chambers is announcing some changes to how the trial courtier process will proceed in the future. Firstly, access to the middle landing of the bridge will be granted to all trial courtiers. The landing is often a point of congregation for those of the Inner, and this shall give the trial courtiers a chance to join in and have a better chance of meeting their fellow residents of the Inner. Second, all trial courtiers will be allowed to join a noble household, after they have been interviewed by all noble houses awake and active during the trial period. Chambers shall post formal notice of these changes, as well as the process for noting if and when a trial courtier has been interviewed, shortly."

Promotions and Demotions

Ser Daiomonion - Petition of Demotion

The focus of the court then turned towards the petitions, with Her Majesty taking point, explaining She would be addressing this one specifically.  She went on to explain how very serious a petition of demotion is and how rare its occurrence is within the history of the castle.    The expressions in the room varied from somber and most of the gazes were focused on ser Daiomonion, currently within House Chorus.  Her Majesty divulged to the room, "There is a semblance of agreement in the Court that the general attitude carried by ser Daiomonion is not always appreciated by those of rank and status. On this note, the Crown feels that society requires personalities of all types and colors to flourish, to weave our tales together, and to spare the Realm from becoming rote or monotone. That said the ser is well advised to remember his station; the Crown will not tolerate insolence towards the Court from its common subjects, nor will it view lightly other members of the Court who condone or facilitate it when they feel it suits them."

She explained that the Crown had reviewed this matter lengthily and the grievances noteworthy, they did not quite meet the standard necessary to validate revoking the intrinsic status which is only done in cases of truly incorrigible behavior.  Thus, ser Daiomonion would be keeping his current rank of Honored Guest.  There was a brief pause before Her Majesty spoke again, once more drawing attention, "...what is spared today can be taken tomorrow, and the ser is advised, strongly, to mind himself in the days to come. We are apprised it did not take long after Us informing the ser that he would maintain his Honored Guest status before he opted to disparage a member of this Court... quite directly in contradiction to Our command he minds himself scant hours earlier. If not for the fact that the Code Duello has already been invoked to address this honorably, We might have come to a different conclusion this day, but We have opted to let Honor take its course in hopes that this matter can be settled and grievances set aside. We find, however, that it will be impossible to extend him any further Mercy, should he again be found to display disrespect towards a member of this Court be it publicly or privately."

Expressions around the room flickered, frowns passing the faces of most present.  The challenge in question having been sent out by sera Mizuki and ser Venture, on behalf of this Chronicler, only a few days before due to the sers remarks.  Quiet murmurings once more went through the room before the Royal Speaker took attention back once more.

Sera Imilia - Petition for Promotion
He explained that as most of the petitions noted not having known sera Imillia she would be given until the second moon to better interact with those in the Court and thus her fate remains undecided.  She would be permitted time to thrive under the new Courtier guidelines and see if she could integrate herself.

Sera Mizuki - Petition for Promotion

The Royal Speaker then turned his attention to the remaining petition of the evening, sera Mizuki.  He expressed the Court's thoughts on the petition, "I and many others within this Throne room can personally attest to the refreshing and vibrant vitality that sera Mizuki bestows upon any gathering with her presence. Sera Mizuki's favor within this Court goes beyond even her regular duties and responsibilities as a Royal Page of the Chambers. Beyond her position as a member of the Garden Society and even her exceptional work ethic in pursuit of a rather lovely hat among the Society of Duelists."

He explained that the support for the sera was near unanimous, with only one lone voice standing opposed to her petition.  He expressed regret that the sera could not be there to accept this honor, having been injured in defense of the castle only the day before and thus still recovering. Thus marking sera Mizuki as an Honored Guest.  

Ser Melcior and sera Kallistya - Petition for Promotion
Before the court could be called to a close, Lord Boreas once more stepped forward, "Before his untimely passing, the Royal Provost intended to bring forth petition for this Court's consideration. Because of the events surrounding his incident and the chaos that followed, he was unable to do so nor did anyone else catch the lapse before the petition submission period came to a close."

He summoned ser Melcior and sera Kallistya forward.  He relayed to the court that both had been active and engaged for nearly a year or more with the Watch.  His Excellency specifically noted both their work regarding the bandits and ser Melcior's interactions with members of the Court on the middle bridge and sera Kallistya's diligent paperwork.    Thus, both were promoted to the rank of Honored Guest and given their snow scabbards by Mistress Rosalind.  

Ennobling of Lord Ammanas

His Excellency, however, was not done.  He called Master Ammanas forward.  His Excellency spread his hands and shared with the room, "Master Ammanas, since your return to waking in the Realm some years past you have been an indispensable member of my household staff, and a close ally, confidant, and friend. Your diligence in your duties at my behest has been second to none, never have you missed a bell, failed to report important happenings to me, or delayed even slightly in the tasks asked of you, and proactively, without being tasked, you have sought household staff to serve in my employ and kept me apprised of the relevant news of the Realm. Whensoever I require a task be done, I know I can depend on you to see it through."

His Excellency listed Master Ammanas's numerous contributions to the castle, both in the Chancery and within the Sorcery Program.  His Excellency dipped his head to Lady Sinvy who stepped forward with a spun platinum diadem as His Excellency finished his speech, "All the while you have maintained the composure and decorum of an aristocrat of the Winter Court. You carry yourself with courtesy and decorum, possessed of a shrewd intellectual mind to add to any conversation, and are oft an anticipated face at courtly social gatherings. You are honest but not tactless, just but not harsh, engaging but not intrusive, and loyal in all things to me, your liege, and the Realm as a whole.  And so it is my royal edict today, on the 25th Day of the 11th Moon, this 24th Year of Awakenings, to elevate you as a peer of the Winter Court. And so be recognized, Lord Ammanas."

Her Majesty and all of the court dipped themselves in recognition, with curtsies and bows rolling through the court.  Lady Sinvy lowered the dark diadem to Lord Ammana's head as once more tears wet the eyes of those touched by this action.  Lord Ammanas turned to the Royals and gave a bow of his own, "I am deeply honored by your words and eternally thankful for the trust placed in me.  I shall strive to continue to prove myself worthy of both in the years and centuries to come."

Final Announcements

Her Majesty had one final announcement before the court was called to a close, "This year's Yuletide festivities shall include the formal nuptials of Our Handmaiden, Mistress Auriela, with Serjeant Tristan. Consider it a reason to be a little extra festive this year."

Excited sounds once more were vibrant through the crowd as the Royal Speaker, Sir Varick, called the court to a close and bid all kneel for Her Majesty.  People lingered briefly to absorb the excitement of the night before moving on to Mistress Bridghe's post-court social.  Those present

Those present at this Royal Court included Queen Vivienne, Lord Boreas, Prince Bertram, Ladies Sinvy, Calamity, Galatea and Chorus, Lords Sicard and Ammanas, Dames Josie and Eeva, Sirs Varick, Vincint, Darvius, Raulison and Adahn, Mistresses Auriela, Rosalind, Brighde, Taite, Blodwen, Nariseth and Filusae, Masters Leodegrance, Nexian, Tristan, Aratan and Westley, sers Kobe, Melcior, Nazrin, Daiomonion, Venture and Alti, seras Arlenia and Kallistya, Captain Vessa, Liuetenant Kathris, and this chronicler.


 This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.

Mistress Kaira
Court Chronicler

Royal Court:  11th moon of the 24th year  Kaira-signature
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