Castle Marrach
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Announcement of Royal Court ~ 21st Day, 5th Moon, 24YRA Empty Announcement of Royal Court ~ 21st Day, 5th Moon, 24YRA

Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:49 pm
To the Attention of the Realm,

It is my honor and pleasure to announce that by the will of Her Most Serene Majesty, Queen Vivienne Royal Court shall be held upon the Seventh late bell of this approaching Fifth Moon, on the Twenty~First day of this, the Twenty-Fourth Year of these Recent Awakenings.

As always, all denizens of the realm whom stand at the Intrinsic Rank of Honored Guest or above are highly encouraged to attend, your presence being the solemn duty of any waking member of the Winter Court.

Regarding Petitions to be brought before the Court, the deadline for new petitions shall be upon the First day of the Fifth Moon, before the bell chimes Eleven Late. Late petitions shall not be accepted. Please plan accordingly.

Those so inclined are directed to please review the Gold Standard when submitting petitions, this information being available upon the public boards. All petitions are to be submitted either to Mistress Filusae or Mistress Kaira of the Office of the Royal Chambers.

Once Petitions have been reviewed and supplied to the public for Commentary. That Commentary shall be due on or before the Fifteenth day of the Fifth Moon, once again before the eleventh late bell. This document also to be sent to either Mistress Filusae or Mistress Kaira.

Once again, those dates and times are as follows;

Petition Deadline ~ 1st day, 5th moon, 24YRA, 11LB
Commentary Deadline ~ 15th day, 5th moon, 24YRA, 11LB
Formal Court ~ 21st day, 5th moon, 24YRA, 7LB

A reminder that the Throne Room shall open fifteen ticks before the bell and all protocols and propriety should be observed for a formal function in which Royalty shall be present. If you are unfamiliar with these protocols, please familiarize yourself ahead of the event.

Ever in loyal service to Her Royal Majesty Queen Vivienne and Her Winter Court,

~Sir Varick Faal, Royal Speaker
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