Castle Marrach
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Vadoma Seeks Hosts for Various Events Empty Vadoma Seeks Hosts for Various Events

Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:15 pm
Twenty Second, Ninth Moon
Twenty Second Year of Recent Awakenings

In accordance with the will of Her Majesty and in upholding the duties charged to me as Junior Chronicler, I hereby submit the account of Vadoma Seeks Hosts for Various Events.

On the twentieth day of the ninth moon around the tenth late bell in the Outer Bailey Dining Hall, Vadoma graced gathering denizens with her presence.

Sera Fenn was resting in the Dining Hall when she noticed eerie green smoke rising from the ground. As the smoke began to thicken, Vadoma appeared. Some denizens were socializing just outside the Dining Hall when sera Kaira glanced through the doors to see that sera Fenn was not alone.

The group then moved inward and heard Vadoma speaking in Western. As no one present could speak it fluently, ser Maireath left to find someone to translate. He returned with Mistress Auriela and Master Tristan who conversed with Vadoma using Teanga. The Mistress was able to translate that Vadoma was seeking hosts for various events at her camp.

Vadoma was particularly interested in selecting sera Fenn as a host for a scarecrow building contest. Sera Fenn agreed to assist Vadoma on this matter. The gypsy woman then gazed over ser Maireath, inquiring him to host a costume event. The ser accepted her offer with glee.

After more wandering denizens arrived, Mistress Rikka asked Vadoma about the centipedes that have been appearing in the castle. Vadoma responded that it was not her intention for them to cross the veil with her, but a side effect of the magic. It was translated to the group that the centipedes might have been drawn to the veil recognizing her scent.

Before parting, the gyspsy woman then announced she planned to pick two more hosts in the next coming days. She mentioned events consisting of pumpkin carving and painting contests. Vadoma also stated she would be back later this week to choose her hosts.

While some denizens are excited at the news of these events, others seem to hold doubt about Vadoma’s true intentions. Denizens are still strongly encouraged to pay attention to any unusual sightings or magical mishaps that may occur. It is suggested that all carry their duckcalls and report to the Army or Watch with anything that is suspicious.

All of those present to witness this event were Mistresses Auriela and Rikka, Master Tristain Serjeant Kathris, Private Sigrun, seras Diana, Karia and Fenn, sers Doga and Maireath, and this Chronicler.

This chronicle will be subject to changes and corrections. I humbly ask all readers to please indicate to me discreetly, any falsehoods I may have mistakenly communicated. It is by means of the conservation of the Past that we continue to serve Her Majesty and give substance to those that follow.

In service to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, The Office of the Chronicler, and the Denizenry of Her Majesty's Realm.

ser Caedus Bane
Junior Chronicler

ser Caedus Bane
- Junior Chronicler
- Junior Liberian
- Junior Chirographer
- Novitiate of the Sorcery Program

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