Castle Marrach
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Chambers - Notice of Treaty in Place Empty Chambers - Notice of Treaty in Place

Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:50 am
Penned below on behalf of the Royal Office of Chambers regarding the past and present Treaty in place.  Please take the time to review and familiarize yourself with it.

*First and Prior Terms of Treaty*

Crown Terms:

  • - A Full and Accurate List of those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep, to be Updated As Necessary.
  • - The Agreement that those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep shall Obey and Be Subject To the laws outlined in Her Majesty's Capitulary
  • - The Name and Surrender of the Individual who slew Sir Priam; Punishment to be Consistent with the Standard Charge of Murder [3.1.02 B]
  • - Punishment on the charge of Breaking and Entering [3.3.04 B and/or C] for one Elected Resident of the Under Bailey
  • - Punishment on the charge of Unauthorized Bearing of Arms [3.2.09] against all Martial Residents of the Under Bailey
  • - The Return of all Weapons and Keys Stolen or otherwise Not Native to the Under Bailey with the Assistance of Master Quilp if deemed Appropriate

Crown Concessions:

  • - Dismissal of all Current Charges against sera Oriana on the Condition that the terms of her Current Exile not be Violated
  • - No Punishment required Specifically for the Breaking of the Gaol Mirror on the Condition that the Mirror be Replaced; Breaking and Entering Charges still Apply
  • - The Inquisition to Refrain from Unwarranted Questioning of those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep
  • - The Provision of Regular Guest Rooms to those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep
  • - Permission that those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep may Engage in Society as they so Choose, within the Tolerance of the Denizenry

Conclave Terms:

  • - Clear Definition of the Actions Allowable by the Inquisition towards those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep with Particular Regard to the application of Torture
  • - Clear Definition of such Punishments required by the Crown and those Eligible to Receive them
  • - That the Name and Surrender of the Individual who slew Sir Priam be Subject to that Individual's decision to Return to the Keep with the Understanding that should that Individual Return to the Keep they accept the Specified Punishment
  • - The Dismissal of any Standing Charges against sera Oriana with the Exception of those for which she was Already Convicted
  • - Clear Definition of the Conditions related to Permissible Travel between the Keep and the Under Bailey

Conclave Concessions:

  • - Adherence to Her Majesty's Capitulary by those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep
  • - The Replacement of the Mirror previously Broken by Residents of the Under Bailey
  • - The Name and Surrender of the Individual who slew Sir Priam upon that Individual's Decision to Return to the Keep
  • - The Voluntary Surrender of an Individual (or Individuals) from among those Residents of the Under Bailey who wish to Return to the Keep to Accept Punishment for all Further Charges Outlined in the Treaty
  • - The Return of all Weapons and Keys determined to be Not Native to the Under Bailey

  • Signed and Witnessed,
  • Sir Vestio D'Ambrucia, HM Royal Keeper of the Seal
  • Sir Priam, Inquisitor-Major and Royal Provost
  • Lady Avaria, Royal Archivist and Dean of the Royal Collegium
  • Dame Takara Ino Delamer, Master of Heraldry
  • Ezraella Blake, Handmaiden and Courtier to Her Most Royal Majesty
  • Atmos Ward, Red Sash of the Conclave
  • Tamiko Kohara, Assistant to Duke Lucus Rumission
  • Phensri Isoke
  • Cordon ConDoin, Red Sash of the Conclave
  • Mynnix, Member of The Dorwin Rianerid, Ally to Duke Lucus Rumission, Formerly Duchess Mynnix to Duke Leigel, Duke of Rumiss
  • Aser, Member of the Dorwin Rianerid
  • Lucus Rumission
  • Prince Bertram, Heir to the Ice Throne and Prince Regent

It is signed by Prince Bertram.

*Present Terms and Agreements*

First Addendum to the Duchy of Rumiss

The below terms supplement and add to the existing Treaty between the Crown and the Duchy of Rumiss, which remains in full effect. If any details of the terms of this Addendum listed below should conflict with the terms of the Treaty, the terms below shall take precedence and effect while leaving all other terms of the Treaty as active.

~ A portal to exist, connecting the Outer Bailey to the Conclave ~

  • - On the Castle's end, this portal is to exist in the Gate Courtyard
  • - On the Conclave's end, this portal is to exist in their Outer Courtyard
  • - Both the Castle and Conclave will have the ability to close the portal on their end at any time
  • - Both the Castle and Conclave will have the ability to blacklist the portal's use to bar unwelcome individuals from their Realm
  • - Individuals visiting a foreign bailey may trade, socialize, and attend open events hosted in the bailey they are visiting, but may not join guilds or organizations
  • - Individuals visiting a foreign bailey may, in either direction, seek to learn of the culture and practices of their visiting bailey and if they so choose, apply to immigrate to join that bailey as a regular resident. Doing so forfeits all rank, titles, guild affiliations and other benefits associated with their former place of residence. This process functions for migrations in both directions.
  • - Individuals visiting a foreign bailey will be subject to the laws and jurisdictions of the respective lands they are visiting
  • - Individuals who break the law in one bailey and depart that bailey before meeting justice may have an extradition request made of them, that the offender be apprehended by local law authorities and turned over to face justice in the bailey of which their original crimes were committed
  • - Individuals visiting a foreign bailey are not to wear identity concealing items for the duration of their visit
  • - Access to the portal will not be permitted to members of the Winter Court, whose home is in the Inner Bailey proper without Royal exception
  • - Access to the portal will not be permitted to residents of the Outer Bailey less than thirty days waking
  • - Access to the portal will not be permitted to thralls of the Conclave until they become karls in full
  • - Huskarls of the Conclave may bear arms when visiting the Castle, but must register any carried weapons with the Royal Armory
  • - Honored Guests of the Castle may bear arms when visiting the Conclave, but must register any carried weapons with the Huskarl Quartermaster
  • - Sorcerers visiting a foreign bailey must register themselves as sorcerers when doing so, in the same vein that weapons must be registered. This registry is maintained by the Winter Watch as well as huskarls of the Conclave jointly, and must include the name of the bound; but sorcerers are not required to declare their focus object or known spells
  • - Visitors to the Conclave will not be permitted unrestricted access to its halls, certain areas will be restricted to residents of the Conclave only
  • - Visitors to the Conclave will also not be able to depart the Conclave into the wilds, though at certain times the Conclave may host hunting and foraging parties as open events which visitors may be able to participate in to learn more of the Conclave's ways

~ Trade ~

  • - Regular trade and regulations regarding trade to be established in the coming moons, between the Conclave and Royal Treasury

~ Awakenings in the Conclave ~

  • - The Crown recognizes that its vassal, the Duchy of Rumiss, has the ability to awaken new souls as 'thralls of the Conclave'
  • - This privilege is permitted by Her Majesty on the condition that the Duchy provide a fair and productive life for Her subjects waking within the Conclave, the qualifications for such to be determined and judged by Her Majesty directly
  • - This privilege is permitted by Her Majesty on the condition that new waking thralls found to be unsuited for the ways and lifestyle of the Conclave are permitted the opportunity to leave the Conclave for a more peaceful life in the Outer Bailey
  • - This privilege is permitted by Her Majesty on the condition that all new waking guests within the Conclave understand and exhibit fealty towards the Crown of Castle Marrach and recognize Her Majesty as their sovereign through vassalage
  • - Her Majesty the Queen, and only Her Majesty directly, has the authority to revoke this agreement at any time for any reason and command the cessation of new awakenings in the Conclave, and the Duchy pledges to honor this command

~ Oversight ~

  • - Oversight of the terms and conditions of this treaty and of the Conclave's continued fealty towards the Crown will be administered by way of a quarterly visitation by Her Majesty's Royal entourage to visit and tour the Conclave, each visit expected to take 2 to 3 days and not more than a week
  • - This entourage is to consist of: Her Majesty the Queen, Her Royal Equerry, one Handmaiden or Lady in Waiting, one representative of the Heralds, optionally one representative of each remaining Royal Office

Signed and effective this, the 7th Day of the Third Moon of the 24th Year of Recent Awakenings, by the parties below.
  • - Her Royal Majesty, Queen Vivienne
  • - Duke Lucus, Lord Duke of the Conclave
  • - Oriana, Duchess of the Conclave
  • - Master Ammanas, Representative of the Chancery
  • - Lieutenant Kathris, Representative of the Army
  • - Trenna Silvanus, Huskarl of the Conclave
  • - Cordon, Huskarl of the Conclave
  • - Tamiko Kohara, Huskarl of the Conclave

-- xx  On Behalf of Chambers, Mistress Filusae xx

Chambers - Notice of Treaty in Place Ovrik_skull_by_filusae_dg9o3c2-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MjQ4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYmMyMTczNGMtODBiMC00NGJmLTg3MzUtZTBkOWUwNTRkNTU5XC9kZzlvM2MyLTI5ZDY2YjYyLWM0YTktNDQ2Zi05N2JhLWRiZTc0MmY1MWJmZi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MjA2In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0
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