Castle Marrach
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Join date : 2020-09-30
Age : 43
Location : Out and About

Outer Bailey Ghost Gala - Grace and Ghouls Empty Outer Bailey Ghost Gala - Grace and Ghouls

Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:27 am
Written this 21st day of the 10th moon, 21st YRA


On the 23rd day of the 10th moon at 7 Late, the Gardeners will be hosting a gala in the Bowling Lounge at 7 Late.

The theme for the costumes should be ghoulish or graceful haunt and there is a contest for the 4 following categories:

**Best Ghoul
**Best Gore
**Best Haunt
**Best Couple

If you should have any inquiries, please feel free to direct your scroll to Mistress Juliana.

Thank you,

Royal Page,

Outer Bailey Ghost Gala - Grace and Ghouls Coollo12
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